Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) national president JP Nadda are scheduled to convene a Chief Minister’s Council meeting of BJP-ruled states today at Bharat Mandapam in the national capital. The meeting, as reported by news agency ANI, aims to evaluate the preparations for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections and review the progress of ongoing initiatives by the Central and State Governments. Chief Ministers and Deputy Chief Ministers from BJP-ruled states are expected to attend the meeting.
Addressing the BJP’s two-day national council meeting at Delhi’s Bharat Mandapam, Union Home Minister Amit Shah emphasized that the national council meeting is being organized in anticipation of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. He stated, “Following this national council meeting, we will take PM Modi’s vision for India in 2047 to every constituency.”
Shah continued, “In the coming days, the people of India will determine the leadership for the next five years. There is no doubt that PM Modi will continue to lead the country.”
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