A tragic incident unfolded in Maharashtra’s Kalyan district on Wednesday, where a 20-year-old man stabbed a 12-year-old girl to death in the presence of his mother. The distressing event appears to stem from an unreciprocated love affair. As per the reports, the man inflicted around 10 stab wounds on the girl. The accused, Aditya Kamble, has also been charged with attempting to take his own life, as stated by the police on Thursday.
Law enforcement authorities revealed that the young man’s actions followed the rejection of his proposal for a romantic relationship by the victim’s mother. The distressing incident occurred in the Teesgaon locality of Kalyan. Tragically, the girl succumbed to the injuries from the stabbing and passed away during medical treatment.
After attacking the girl, Kamble ingested phenyl, a disinfectant, in an apparent suicide attempt, as confirmed by an official source. He is currently under medical care at a hospital.
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The station house officer at Kolsewadi police station reported that Kamble has been charged under Indian Penal Code (IPC) section 309 for attempting suicide. Initially, he was registered under section 302 for murder.
According to neighbours of the victim, on the evening of the incident, Kamble waited at the girl’s residential building for her return from tuition classes. As the girl and her mother arrived, Kamble allegedly pushed the mother aside and proceeded to repeatedly stab the minor with a knife, tragically resulting in her untimely death, as detailed by the police.
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