The Bengaluru police have launched a manhunt for a 27-year-old man, identified as Sharath, who is accused of brutally bludgeoning his aged parents to death in their home in the Kodigehalli area of Bengaluru. The tragic incident occurred on Monday night, and Sharath fled the scene after locking the house from the outside.
The victims, Bhaskar (61) and Shantha (60), had apparently cried out for help during the attack, but their neighbors mistook it for a routine quarrel and didn’t pay any heed. The Deputy Commissioner of Police, B M Laxmi Prasad, stated that the police suspect the murders occurred between 8:30 pm to 9 pm on Monday.
After Sharath’s elder brother, Sajith, tried reaching their parents on the phone but received no response, he rushed to their residence and discovered the house locked from outside. Fearing the worst, Sajith broke open the door, only to find his parents lying lifeless in a pool of blood.
The victims were long-time residents of Ullal in Dakshina Kannada district and had relocated to Bengaluru twelve years ago along with their children. Shantha was a retired government employee, while Bhaskar worked as a cashier at a canteen in Khanija Bhavan, a government office complex.
Police sources have revealed that there were frequent quarrels between Sharath and his parents. A case of murder has been registered, and a thorough investigation is currently underway.
The authorities are actively searching for the accused, Sharath, in the hopes of bringing him to justice for this heinous crime. The tragic incident has left the community in shock, and the police are committed to resolving the case and providing closure to the grieving family.
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