In view of the Lok Sabha elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is holding massive rallies and road-shows across the country. In this series, apart from addressing rallies in Uttar Pradesh, today PM Modi will visit Ramlala in Ayodhya. Iqbal Ansari, who is a litigant in Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid land suit, has expressed happiness over PM Modi’s visit to Ayodhya. While talking to the media, he said that he would be happy if Narendra Modi becomes Prime Minister for the third time.
Iqbal Ansari has released a video. On PM Modi’s visit and roadshow in Ayodhya, Iqbal Ansari says, “PM Modi is fortunate that his elections are starting from Ram’s city. The last 10 years of PM’s tenure have been very good and we are very happy with his arrival and we want him to become the Prime Minister again…”
Iqbal Ansari said that “With everyone’s support, everyone’s development, everyone is getting employment in Ayodhya. We want to welcome PM Modi with flowers in Ayodhya. Ayodhya is a city of religion, there is brotherhood between Hindus and Muslims. When PM Modi comes as PM for the third time, let us welcome him again with flowers.”
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