Indian Railways is once again in the limelight. One of the passenger travelling in Avantika Express shared the video, in which we can clearly see how the two tear class was flooded with rain water. Water was continuously seeping from the roof of the train due to which the passengers had to face a lot of inconvenience.
Following these circumstances, numerous passengers tweeted about this incident and the appalling conditions of the two-tear class. Many people responded to the tweets requesting that Indian Railways act right away. In addition, there has been numerous other occurrences involving Indian Railways since this one. In response to the tweet, railway seva wrote, “Sir, we kindly request that you give the voyage data (PNR/UTS No.) and mobile number with us, preferably via DM, so that we may take appropriate action on your complaint. If you want a swift resolution, you can also voice your objection directly at or by calling 139”.
The second response was, “Needed action escalated to the concerned official.”@Drmljn
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