Significant news has emerged from Uttar Pradesh’s Ballia district. RTI activist Singhasan Singh Chauhan, who spoke out against corruption and in support of the underprivileged, had traveled to Bhimpur to lodge his grievance. After refusing to register the complaint, the police first misbehaved with him and then started beating him. Even after beating Singhasan Singh, he was kept in the police station.
The family members are also scared of the beating of the RTI activist in the police station. Singhasan Singh has been forcibly kept in the police station by the police, Singhasan Singh’s wife, son, and brother have appealed to the authorities for help, but they are not being heard. Let us tell you that Singhasan Singh is an RTI activist.
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Singhasan Singh speaks out against crime, corruption, and injustices against the underprivileged on a regular basis. Singhasan Singh Chauhan is a social worker who is brave and highly honest. He has uncovered numerous scams in the district’s government activities as an RTI activist.
Also read: On November 30, PM Modi will go to Dubai to attend the World Climate Action Summit
RTI activist Singhasan Chauhan, the district vice president of the Azad Adhikar Sena, had come to the police station to register a complaint regarding a crime. where his complaint was turned down by the station manager. Following this, Singhasan Singh and his spouse went on strike in that location. This infuriated the chief of the police station, who assaulted him.
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