Sitapur: Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that you are in the new Uttar Pradesh of new India. “We all saw with our own eyes the work that many generations could not see. A grand temple of Ramlala was built in Ayodhya, but the National General Secretary of Samajwadi Party has given a statement that the construction of Ram temple has been useless. If he had given the same statement against a Muslim, the Muslim would not have tolerated it, but for you, he will say whatever comes to his mind. Will you be able to tolerate this?” he quipped.
The Chief minister called upon those who are insulting Ram-Krishna and faith to show the power of voting in the elections and bring them to their knees. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath addressed a public meeting organized on Ceuta-Biswan Road on Tuesday. He appealed to make BJP candidate Rajesh Verma win again in Lok Sabha elections. Without taking names, the CM warned SP that these people are far away from power. After the elections, their heat will be cured automatically.
They rejoice on the death of Ram devotees and shed crocodile tears on the death of mafia. CM Yogi said that SP used to give pistols in the hands of youth. “We gave them the tablet. Ramlala is seated in Ayodhya and the Ramnaam Satya Yatra of mafia-criminals is also taking place. SP people open fire on Ram devotees and perform aarti for terrorists. Withdraw their cases. Celebrate the death of Ram devotees and shed crocodile tears on the death of the mafia,” he said.
On this occasion, many saints including Saint Premdas Ji Maharaj, MP and BJP candidate Rajesh Verma, MLA Gyan Tiwari, Nirmal Verma, Asha Bhadauria Mahmudabad, former MLA Sunil Verma were also present. .
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