During a hectic election campaign, a comical incident occurred when Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, a Congress leader, was presented with a bouquet missing its flowers. The incident took place at a rally in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, which is set to vote on November 17. The Congress party is vigorously campaigning to regain power in the state, having lost it in the previous election after a rebellion led by Jyotiraditya Scindia, who has since joined the BJP.
The rally was live-streamed on the Congress’s social media platforms. Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, upon taking the stage, invoked the legacy of Maharani Ahilyabai Holkar, an 18th-century Maratha queen known for justice and good governance, and pledged to restore these values by combating corruption and mismanagement.
The incident unfolded as party leaders welcomed Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on stage, gifting her roses and taking photographs. However, one moment of hilarity occurred when a man handed her what appeared to be a bouquet. Upon realizing that the bouquet was empty, she burst into laughter, playfully pointing at the absent flowers. Party workers were left visibly embarrassed and mumbled explanations, while laughter spread among those on the stage. The man who presented the empty bouquet quickly retreated.
The lighthearted moment was short-lived, as Priyanka Gandhi Vadra swiftly transitioned into work mode, launching a scathing critique of the Narendra Modi government’s handling of rising prices. She highlighted issues such as increased onion prices and fluctuations in LPG cylinder costs in the run-up to elections, implying that the government only takes action on inflation during election periods.
The video of the amusing bouquet incident has since gone viral, with BJP leaders using it to make fun of the Congress.
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