Amidst the fervor of Ram Navami celebrations, the much-anticipated ‘Surya Tilak’ ceremony commenced at Ayodhya’s Ram Mandir, marking a significant religious occasion. This ceremony, scheduled during the auspicious time window of 12:16 pm to 12:21 pm, symbolically bestowed the deity Ram Lalla with the celestial adornment of the sun’s rays upon his forehead.
The ‘Surya Tilak’ ceremony owes its realization to an intricate mechanism devised by scientists from the Central Building Research Institute (CBRI). This innovative system, meticulously crafted, utilized an amalgamation of mirrors and lenses to achieve its purpose.
Experts from the CBRI, in collaboration with scientists from the Indian Institute of Astrophysics-Bengaluru, undertook the task of implementing the optomechanical system at the Ram Mandir premises. Following meticulous planning and preparation, the system underwent rigorous testing by the scientists prior to the ceremony.
The ‘Surya Tilak’ ceremony holds profound symbolic significance, as it represents the celestial blessings bestowed upon the deity Ram Lalla. Occurring amidst the inaugural Ram Navami celebrations at the temple, this ceremony marked a poignant moment in the religious calendar, signifying the first major religious event since the consecration of Ram Lalla in January.
Also Read: PM Modi: Ayodhya’s First Ram Navami ‘A Generational Milestone’
The successful execution of the ‘Surya Tilak’ ceremony, facilitated by the innovative technology developed by CBRI scientists, stands as a testament to human ingenuity and devotion. As devotees gathered to witness this sacred occasion, the rays of the sun symbolically graced the forehead of Ram Lalla, reaffirming the sanctity and reverence associated with Ayodhya’s Ram Mandir.
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