The Delhi High Court is set to address a petition on May 2, concerning the circulation of deep fake videos during the ongoing Lok Sabha elections. Filed by a group of lawyers, the petition has been brought forth by advocate Jayant Mehta, who is representing the petitioners. Mehta has urged the bench headed by Acting Chief Justice Manmohan for a prompt hearing on the matter.
The petition specifically calls for a ban on the dissemination of deep fake videos, citing concerns over their potential to manipulate public opinion during the electoral process. In response to the petition, the High Court has directed the Election Commission’s legal counsel to seek instructions on the issue and provide necessary information to the court by the scheduled hearing date.
Highlighting the urgency of the situation, Mehta emphasized the need for immediate action to curb the spread of deep fake videos, particularly amidst the ongoing elections. He informed the court that a collective effort has been made by the group of lawyers to address the matter with the Election Commission.
During the proceedings, the court also inquired whether the petitioners had approached the grievance redressal officers designated by social media platforms to address such issues. Mehta asserted that all available avenues have been explored, but the timely removal of offending videos remains a challenge. He expressed concerns that by the time action is taken, the damage inflicted by the spread of these videos is already significant, as the process of removal often takes 24 to 48 hours.
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