Justice Amit Sharma of the Delhi High Court has recused himself from hearing the bail plea filed in the Delhi riots case. A bench headed by Justice Pratibha M. Singh has ordered that these cases be listed before a bench that does not include Justice Amit Sharma. The bail cases involve petitions filed by Sharjeel Imam, Meeran Haider, and others.
This marks the third bench to recuse itself from these cases. Initially, Justices Siddharth Mridul and Rajnish Bhatnagar were handling the case. Following Justice Mridul’s transfer to the Manipur High Court, the case was reassigned to Justices Suresh Kumar Kait and Manoj Jain. A recent roster change then assigned the case to Justices Pratibha M. Singh and Amit Sharma.
With Justice Sharma’s recusal today, the case will now be reassigned to a fourth bench.
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