In the Thane region of Maharashtra’s Shahapur Tehsil, a girder launching machine crashed on Tuesday, killing at least 17 people. The event happened at the Shahapur village of Khutadi Sarlambe during the third phase of Samruddhi Expressway development. A specialized mobile gantry crane used in bridge construction is called a “girder machine.” Visuals coming up from the spot of the crane collapse are really devastating.
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Eleven labourers and five site engineers were among the dead. For an autopsy, bodies have been transported to Shahapur Government Hospital. The injured were taken to the nearest Shahapur Gramin hospital. Cranes were used to free the trapped workers from under the girders by the local police and highways administration staff.
Six more individuals, according to officials, may be trapped within the collapsed building. Rescue operations are being carried out by local agencies, police, NDRF, and fire brigade personnel.
NDRF Assistant Commandant Sarang Kurve, says “We got information about the incident at around 1:30 am and our first team started the rescue operation around 5:30 am. Our search and rescue operation is still underway. Sniffer dogs have also been used for rescue”
Expressing condolences, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, “Pained by the tragic mishap in Shahapur, Maharashtra. My deepest condolences to the families of those who lost their lives. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who are injured. NDRF and local administration are working at the site of the mishap and all possible measures are being taken to ensure proper assistance to those affected. An ex-gratia of Rs. 2 lakh from PMNRF will be given to the next of kin of each deceased. The injured would be given Rs. 50,000: PM”
Such an incident calls for support from the government, both in terms of finances and rescue.
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