The Congress is set to embark on the Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra, led by Rahul Gandhi, commencing in Manipur to shape the narrative for the upcoming Lok Sabha polls. Focusing on issues like unemployment, price rise, and social justice, the yatra will traverse 6,713 km through 100 Lok Sabha segments in 15 states. While the Congress insists it’s not an electoral journey, it coincides with the party’s efforts to rejuvenate after a disappointing performance in recent assembly elections.
As the BJP concentrates on the Ram temple consecration ceremony, the Congress aims to shift the focus to bread-and-butter concerns. Gandhi criticizes the political misuse of emotional issues, emphasizing the need to address real problems. The yatra begins in Thoubal, Manipur, instead of the initially planned Imphal due to government restrictions.
The journey, spanning 67 days, will cover 110 districts, 100 Lok Sabha seats, and 337 assembly segments, culminating in Mumbai on March 20 or 21. The Congress states that the yatra seeks to raise a voice against perceived injustices of the past decade, accompanied by a “Nyay anthem.”
Congress invites leaders from the Indian National Inclusive Developmental Alliance to join the yatra. Jairam Ramesh asserts its potential impact, comparable to the earlier Bharat Jodo Yatra. The route covers politically crucial areas like Uttar Pradesh, emphasizing social and economic issues.
The yatra, beginning in Manipur and passing through various states, is designed to engage with the public and civil society, concluding in Mumbai with addresses from Rahul Gandhi. The previous Bharat Jodo Yatra in 2022 was credited by the Congress for electoral gains in Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, and Telangana, covering 75 districts and 76 Lok Sabha constituencies.
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