On Sunday, several BJP activists came together outside the home of Congress MP DK Suresh in Bengaluru to express their disapproval of his recent comment that southern states would be compelled to seek separate nation if the “injustice” in the allocation of funds was not addressed by the federal government. Protesters were heard yelling outside D K Suresh’s Sadashivanagar home, “down down D K Suresh,” and “Vande Mataram.”
But the police quickly pulled the protesters from the area and put them into a bus, according to the police. Suresh is the brother of D K Shivakumar, the state president of the Congress and the deputy chief minister of Karnataka.
“A group of members from the BJP had gathered outside the residence of the Congress MP. They tried to stage a protest there against his statement over demand for a separate nation for southern states. But our officials immediately removed them from the spot and took them into custody. The situation is under control,” a senior police officer said.
Additionally, Suresh, the Lok Sabha representative for Bangalore Rural, has claimed that Hindi was being “imposed” on South India in all respects. In response to the demonstrations, Suresh stated that everyone has the freedom of speech and the right to protest in a democracy. “… I happily welcome their protests… May god bless them,” he told reporters here.
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Accusing the BJP of trying to ‘distort’ his statement, the Lok Sabha member of Congress in Karnataka said, “I never said this country has to be divided, they (BJP) are moving in that direction, they are trying to do politics.”
Asked why BJP is trying to twist his statement, Suresh said, “you (media) should ask them… Media which is showing my statement has to go through it and speak. I don’t know whether it is media’s mistake or BJP’s or mine.”
“I believe that media is the fourth estate in a democracy, if you say no we are in favour of one side, I can’t do anything,” he said, adding that his statement is very clear and it is being distorted by the BJP.
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