Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath clicked a selfie with the backdrop of a sand sculpture featuring Lord Ram and the Ram temple at Ram Katha Park in Ayodhya on Sunday. Crafted by the talented artist Sudarsan Pattnaik, the sand art showcased Prime Minister Modi, Chief Minister Yogi, a sculpture of Lord Ram, and the Ram temple.
Sudarsan Pattnaik, a Padma-awarded artist, is renowned for captivating audiences with his unique prowess, frequently creating magnificent sand sculptures depicting various Hindu deities. With a vast portfolio, Pattnaik has participated in over 65 international sand art competitions and festivals worldwide, securing numerous prizes for the country. He consistently utilizes his sand sculptures as a medium to raise awareness on critical issues such as HIV/AIDS, environmental conservation, plastic pollution, global warming, and terrorism.
The ‘Pran Pratishtha’ ceremony for Lord Ram’s idol is scheduled at the grand temple in Ayodhya at 12:30 PM on January 22, in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. This significant event will involve enthroning an idol of Lord Ram in the sanctum sanctorum of Ayodhya’s Ram Temple. The newly crafted idol, sculpted by Arun Yogiraj, stands 51 inches tall, and weighs 1.5 tonnes. The portrayal depicts Lord Ram as a five-year-old child standing on a lotus, crafted from the same stone.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will perform the rituals for the ‘Pran Pratishtha,’ with a team of priests led by Lakshmikant Dixit overseeing the main rituals. The ceremony will host several celebrities and notable personalities who have been invited to partake in this auspicious event.
Also Read: Delhi Government Schools To Stay Closed For Ram Mandir Consecration
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