On December 13, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath expressed heartfelt gratitude as Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Prayagraj and inaugurated 167 projects worth ₹5,500 crores. This includes the Akshay Vat, Bade Hanuman Mandir, Saraswati Koop, Bhardwaj Ashram, and Shringaverpur Corridor, marking a significant milestone in the preparation for the Maha Kumbh 2025.
CM Yogi emphasized the importance of PM Modi’s guidance and inspiration in shaping the success of past Kumbhs and the ambitious vision for the upcoming event.
CM Yogi highlighted that the inspiration provided by Prime Minister Modi was the foundation for the successful organization of the 2019 Kumbh. This time, the efforts to organize the Maha Kumbh 2025 set new standards for grandeur, cleanliness, safety, and digital accessibility. CM Yogi acknowledged the transformation in the planning and execution, calling it a testimony to PM Modi’s vision for the event’s success.
“The dream of a divine, grand, and digital Maha Kumbh is being realized with the inspiration of Prime Minister Modi,” CM Yogi said. “We are all grateful to him for the guidance and efforts he has provided.”
Among the 167 projects inaugurated by PM Modi, several key initiatives are set to enhance the infrastructure and spiritual experience of the Maha Kumbh. The Akshay Vat Corridor, a crucial project, will offer devotees easy access to the sacred site, a first since the 2019 Kumbh. The Prime Minister also inaugurated the corridor at Bade Hanuman Temple, where Mother Ganga visits annually, and the Saraswati Koop, which holds immense religious significance, will be accessible to all through the newly constructed Saraswati Corridor.
“Under Prime Minister Modi’s guidance, the Akshay Vat, Bade Hanuman Mandir, and Saraswati Koop have all been revitalized, making them more accessible to the pilgrims,” CM Yogi noted. “This is a momentous step in ensuring a grand and divine Kumbh.”
The inauguration of the Shringaverpur Corridor, which connects to the legendary meeting of Lord Ram and Nishadraj, is another highlight. “When Lord Ram left for exile, he first extended his hand of friendship to Nishadraj at Shringaverpur. With Prime Minister Modi’s vision, we are also unveiling the statue of Lord Ram and Nishadraj,” CM Yogi remarked.
The ongoing efforts to strengthen the connection between spiritual history and the modern Maha Kumbh will include the inauguration of the Maharishi Bhardwaj Ashram corridor, where Lord Ram stayed and received blessings.
A central element of the preparations is the creation of the Maha Kumbh Nagar, set to become the largest temporary city in the world. CM Yogi credited PM Modi for this ambitious vision and emphasized that the numerous projects underway would transform Prayagraj and its surrounding areas into a global symbol of spiritual and cultural heritage.
“The vision of a grand Maha Kumbh Nagar is coming to life, thanks to the inspiration of Prime Minister Modi. Prayagraj is transforming into a global center of spirituality, and we are working relentlessly to ensure that the Maha Kumbh is a success,” CM Yogi stated.
CM Yogi called on the people of Prayagraj and Uttar Pradesh to unite and work toward making Maha Kumbh 2025 a resounding success. He also expressed confidence in the volunteer teams and officials working on the ground, assuring that the event would meet the highest standards set by PM Modi.
At the event, several prominent figures were present, including Deputy CM Keshav Prasad Maurya, Deputy CM Brajesh Pathak, and various state ministers and public representatives. Their presence underscored the collective effort behind the preparation of the Maha Kumbh, set to begin in just one month.
As the world eagerly anticipates the Maha Kumbh 2025, the efforts of Prime Minister Modi and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath continue to shape the event into one of the largest and most spiritually significant gatherings in history.
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