The Delhi Police found the body of a woman, chopped into pieces, near the Geeta Colony flyover area on Wednesday. The discovery of her dismembered body parts scattered across the flyover area prompted the launch of a police investigation. A local resident informed the Delhi Police about the incident around 9:15 am. Paramaditya, the Joint Commissioner of Police for the Central Range, stated on Wednesday that two black polythene bags were found. One bag contained the head of the body, while the other contained various body parts.
Initial investigations suggested that the body belonged to a woman due to the presence of long hair, although decomposition made it difficult to confirm. The body was scheduled for a post-mortem examination, and its identity remained unknown. The police were uncertain about the exact number of body parts found in the bags and whether any were missing. The investigation to identify the victim is currently ongoing.
Also Read: Bengaluru Double Murder Case: Accused Responsible For Killing Tech Firm MD, CEO Arrested
This case adds to a series of incidents where victims’ bodies have been dismembered following their murders. In March of this year, near Sarai Kale Khan ISBT, four dismembered body parts, along with a bundle of hair, were discovered at a construction site. The recovered body parts, including a heavily decomposed skull, a wrist with fingers, two other bones, and a bunch of long hair, were all packed inside a plastic bag.
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