Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan held a road show and public meeting in his birthplace Jait and Karmabhoomi Budhni assembly seat on Thursday. The Chief Minister visited Jait’s birthplace and paid obeisance, held a public meeting in Shahganj and started the campaign. The Chief Minister said, “Budhni tax citizen Shivraj Singh has to contest this election. I have come to meet you all today, I won’t come to ask for votes. Now I will come only after the elections.” The Chief Minister held meetings and road shows in various areas. When the Chief Minister reached Budhni, every village of the assembly constituency collected support funds for his election contest. The interesting thing is that the public also generously contributed funds for their dear brother. Women gave 10, 20, 50 and 100 rupees. People of all the villages collected money from the village and contributed funds for him to contest elections.
The Chief Minister said that if I have served you with a true heart then I want your blessings. If I have increased your respect then I want your blessings. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said that if I have changed the lives of sisters then I want your blessings. If I have improved the future of my daughters then I want your blessings. If I have supplied water to the fields and built roads, I want your blessings. If I have been of use to you in your pain and suffering, I want your blessings.
Addressing the public, the Chief Minister said that I did not let your name sink, today my area is known throughout India. Where is Shivraj from? Village Jait Shahganj.
CM conducted a road show in Budhni’s villages including Pilikraar, Patalkho, Talpura, Bairkhedi, Bairkhedi, Mahukala, Devgaon, Holipura, Pandado, Karanjikheda, Jalkheda, Khandavad, Uchakheda, Vivada, Makodiya, Ninor, Sattumadi, Vanya, Ondiya, Satar, Deepkheda, Nakatitalai, Panaguradia, Mathani, Pathoda, Neelkachhar, Dhankot, Ganjit, Salkanpur, Aanvlighat, Mardanpur, Jajna, Mathagaon, Mongra, Pangra, Phulada, Maliwayan, Rehti Nagar, Etawahdid, Borghati, Kalwana Canal, Kalwana Jod, Ramgarha, Satrana, Rath Sabha, Society Tappar, Khanpura Jod and Nandgaon Junction.
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