A tragic incident unfolded in Uttar Pradesh’s Amroha district on Friday, resulting in the loss of a 23-year-old man’s life. The man, identified as Shaan-e-Alam, drove his car, with his pregnant wife on board, into the waters of the Ganga River. The unfortunate event transpired following an altercation with his wife, according to reports from news agency ANI.
After the man’s lifeless body was retrieved, efforts are currently underway to locate the woman’s body. In response to this distressing situation, expert divers have been deployed by the police to aid in the search operation, as confirmed by the District Magistrate of Amroha in statements to ANI.
The tragic sequence of events began when Alam engaged in a heated dispute with members of his family. Subsequently, he proceeded to drive his vehicle into his father and sister, causing them harm.
A local resident shared additional details, explaining, “Following an argument at his residence, Shaan-e-Alam was on his way somewhere when he encountered his father. In a shocking turn of events, he struck his father and sister with the car, leading to his father being rushed to a hospital.”
Tragically, Shaan-e-Alam, accompanied by his wife in the car, chose to drive the vehicle into the Ganga River following these unsettling events, the resident added.
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