A picture of Shah Rukh Khan dressed in black for the Friday launch event of the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre in Mumbai prompted Deepika Padukone to respond. For the occasion, Shah Rukh wore a black V-neck t-shirt, black pants, and a black blazer with a diamond pendant. He didn’t post with his family for the paparazzi, yet was joined by spouse Gauri Khan, little girl Suhana Khan, and child Aryan Khan at the occasion.
Shaleena Nathani, Shah Rukh’s stylist, shared a picture of the outfit he wore to the event. She wrote, “DEADDDD (several kiss-eye emojis)!” as the caption. Today, for the opening of @nmacc.india, I am @iamsrk. She added that he was dressed specifically for him.
Before long, Deepika Padukone remarked on the post, “Me As well!” A number of their fans requested that Deepika also post a selfie from the event with Shah Rukh. “@deepikapadukone we didn’t get pathaan promotions too, drop a selfie of the two of you from the sets or anywhere pleasee please,” a supporter wrote. “Ranveer would be simping over him too, he loves him,” a third person observed. Additionally, a fan wrote, “@deepikapadukone another film with SRK.”
In response to his image, stylist Anaita Shroff Adajania also posted fire emojis. “For a second I thought that was Aryan Khan,” a fan said. Another person commented, “I thought it was Aryan! This man just keeps getting hotter and younger. Additionally, the entrepreneur Roshan Abbas wrote, “Ek hota hai insaan aur ek Srk!! There is SRK, and then there is a human).” Actor Amruta Khanvilkar additionally expressed, “Ohhhhh gooooddddddddd dead dead multiple times.
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