Sanjay Mishra’s latest film, Jaaiye Aap Kahan Jaayenge, delivers a poignant social message on the lack of basic sanitation facilities in rural India. Released recently, the movie sheds light on the struggles faced by women due to the absence of public toilets in villages and small towns.
A Story Of Family And Society
The film revolves around the tense relationship between Nathuni Prasad (Sanjay Mishra) and his son Kishan (Karan Anand). Set in a small village near the UP-Bihar border, the story explores their daily conflicts while raising the critical issue of toilets in public spaces. The narrative uses this father-son dynamic to underscore the hardships faced by women in the absence of proper sanitation.
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Kishan works as a rickshaw driver, while his father sells bhuja mixture. Their strained relationship often leads to quarrels, dividing their household into two parts. Nathuni lives with his wife, while Kishan shares the other side of the house with his wife Phoolmati (Monal Gajjar) and daughter Saraswati (Adrija Sinha).
A Bold Idea For Change
The village, long deprived of its annual fair due to caste politics, resumes the event this year. Inspired by Prime Minister Modi’s Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Kishan gets the idea to install a mobile toilet on his rickshaw to help women attending the fair. However, Nathuni opposes the idea, calling it shameful. The disagreement escalates into a challenge between father and son over who will earn more at the fair, forming the crux of the film’s plot.
Stellar Performances
Directed by Nikhil Raj Singh, the film boasts strong performances. Sanjay Mishra and Karan Anand shine in their roles, while Monal Gajjar and Adrija Sinha deliver commendable performances. Supporting actors like Neeraj Sood and Ishtiaq Khan add depth to the narrative.
Rooted In Real Experiences
In an interview, Mishra shared, “Every father wants his son to follow in his footsteps and succeed. This film captures that dynamic.” Director Nikhil Raj Singh revealed that the story draws heavily from his own childhood experiences, making the film deeply personal and authentic.
With a blend of emotional drama and a strong social message, Jaaiye Aap Kahan Jaayenge is both thought-provoking and heartwarming, urging viewers to consider the pressing issue of sanitation in rural India.