On Good Friday, Mrunal Thakur’s most recent film, Gumraah, opened in theatres on April 7. The actress plays a police officer for the first time in the thriller. Mrunal Thakur is tasked with determining who killed a young man after the police arrested two men who looked like them for the crime. The Hindi movie is a remake of the 2019 Tamil movie Thadam, in which Arun Vijay played two roles. The actress responded to a fan on Twitter who said that he would not be watching Gumraah as he had previously seen Thadam. She requested that he watch the Hindi film for her and Aditya Roy Kapur, her co-star.
Fans are not much liking the Hindi version of the south Indian movie. A fan wrote, “Already seen Thadam (the original Tamil version), so not interested in it. But the way Mrunal replied to this is catching the attention of the fans; she wrote, “Mere aur Aditya ke liye dekh lo sir.”
Mrunal Thakur response to the Twitter user was liked by the actor’s fans. “This gesture is out of this world,” a fan wrote. “Such a sweet thing of you; now I’m definitely watching it,” another added. Numerous additional individuals stated that they would watch the movie for “Sita.” She made her Telugu film debut with Sita Ramam, starring alongside Dulquer Salmaan, last year.
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Early estimates suggest that Aditya’s movie made Rs 1.5 million on Friday, as reported by the industry. In the Hindi-speaking market, it was said to have a mediocre occupancy rate of 11.25 percent. Even though there wasn’t a big fight at the box office, the movie had to compete with Nani’s Dasara and Ajay Devgn’s Bholaa, which were the big releases this week and are still doing well. According to industry reports, Dasara saw an estimated business of Rs 2.25 crore on its ninth day, while “Bholaa” managed an estimated Rs 3 crore. Therefore, it is evident that the “Gumraah” Day 1 collection is a huge disappointment.
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