On Union Interim Budget 2024, Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath says, “The Interim Budget will provide a pace to building a developed and an ‘Atma-Nirbhar’ India. Greetings to the Finance Minister for presenting a budget that will fulfil the hopes of 140 crore Indians. This interim budget will prove to be important for the development of every section.”
The Mumbai Police arrested Vijay Das, the main accused in the stabbing case involving actor…
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has welcomed the naming of the iconic Cultural Center in Jaffna…
In a historic move, both Tejashwi and Lalu were granted full authority over all major…
Adani Group has launched a new website, https://mahakumbhmela2025.org, dedicated to the ongoing Maha Kumbh in…
A literary and cultural felicitation ceremony organized by Vishwa Hindi Manch in Hapur, Dr. Dinesh…
Congress MP Rahul Gandhi met with protesting BPSC exam candidates in Patna on Saturday, a…