Terrorists attacked four police commandos and a BSF jawan on Tuesday morning in Moreh, Manipur, injuring them all. They have been taken to RIMS Hospital in Imphal for treatment, according to officials. The Manipur administration tightened curfews in the restive state, where almost 200 people died in ethnic violence last year, after four men were slain and five others suffered critical bullet injuries in the Thoubal region of the state the day before. Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh urged everyone, especially the people of Lilong, to keep the peace in a video message that denounced the violence.
CM Yogi Adityanath's government has approved key connectivity projects to boost Uttar Pradesh's infrastructure for…
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During Maha Kumbh, CM Yogi Adityanath's Cabinet approved transformative projects for Uttar Pradesh's development.
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In a Cabinet meeting chaired by CM Yogi Adityanath, the UP govt approved 10 major…