West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee is scheduled to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi on December 20 to seek release of financial dues to the state. PMO has agreed to Banerjee’s request for an appointment with Modi. The meeting will take place around 11 am on December 20.
At Bharat Express Conclave in Prayagraj, Deputy Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Brajesh Pathak calls…
A 12th-grade student has been arrested for sending bomb threats to several schools in Delhi…
EAM S Jaishankar underscored India's commitment to women-led development, highlighting its importance in the country's…
Bharat Express News Network is hosting a conclave, “Maha Kumbh: Mahatmya Par Mahamanthan,” in Prayagraj.…
UP CM Yogi Adityanath launched a special radio channel, 'Kumbhvani,' in Prayagraj, coinciding with the…
US President-elect Donald Trump announced plans for a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, with…