A schoolboy has been booked for allegedly harassing a girl student and sharing her “objectionable” photos and videos on the internet, the Faridabad police said on Saturday. When contacted, the principal of the private school in Faridabad said the accused has been removed from the institution. According to the police, the 16-year-old girl, a student of class 11, lodged a complaint alleging that the schoolboy forcibly took “objectionable” pictures and videos of her and then started blackmailing her. And, when the girl stopped responding to his calls, the boy sent the pictures and videos to her mother. After a complaint was lodged with the school authorities, the accused circulated the photos and videos on the internet, the police said, citing the complaint. An FIR was registered at Adarsh Nagar police station on Friday. The accused student, who is reportedly on the run, will be nabbed soon, Adarsh Nagar police station SHO Sanjay Kumar said.
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