The Supreme Court has directed the Superintendent of Police (SP) in Lakhimpur Kheri to investigate allegations that Ashish Mishra, the son of former Union Minister Ajay Mishra and an accused in the Lakhimpur Kheri violence case, has been influencing witnesses. The Court has given the SP four weeks to submit a report on the matter.
This directive came after victim families filed a petition in the Supreme Court, seeking the cancellation of Ashish Mishra’s bail. During the hearing, the lawyer representing Ashish Mishra denied any involvement of his client in the alleged witness tampering, asserting that Mishra was not in any of the pictures that were purportedly used as evidence. In response, the Court suggested that Mishra’s lawyer provide an affidavit to clarify his stance.
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The Court had previously emphasized that Ashish Mishra must adhere to the bail conditions imposed when he was granted relief. On the last occasion, the bench had warned Mishra’s lawyer about the strict necessity of following these conditions.
Prashant Bhushan, appearing for the victims, pointed out that while Mishra had been granted bail on July 22, he had failed to abide by one specific condition. Mishra was only allowed to visit his trial location a day before the scheduled date. However, he went to Lakhimpur Kheri on October 1, under the pretext of attending a hearing on October 2, which happened to be a national holiday and when the courts were closed. Despite this, Mishra addressed a large public rally on October 1, which allegedly violated his bail conditions.
The Supreme Court had set stringent conditions for Ashish Mishra when it granted him bail. These conditions included that Mishra must leave Uttar Pradesh within a week of his release and could not stay in Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, or Delhi NCR. Furthermore, he was required to inform the court about his location and surrender his passport. The Court also directed him not to tamper with evidence or influence witnesses.
As the investigation into the allegations of witness tampering unfolds, the case continues to draw attention due to the seriousness of the charges against Ashish Mishra in connection with the 2021 violence in Lakhimpur Kheri, which resulted in the deaths of several individuals. The Supreme Court’s decision to probe the witness tampering allegations could have significant implications for the future of Mishra’s bail and his involvement in the case.