A man who had lent the 21-year-old employee of a denim business Rs 3,000 and wanted it returned. The man stabbed 17 times to kill him. On Wednesday around 7am, the murder took place in the Tigri neighbourhood of south Delhi about 100 metres from a police station. A witness captured the deadly incident on camera. Shahrukh, the accused, repeatedly stabbed Yusuf Ali, who was laying bleeding on the sidewalk. In the two-minute video, which went viral, individuals could be seen standing and looking. In a desperate attempt to save himself, Yusuf grabbed Shahrukh’s neck with his legs, but he eventually passed out.
Later, some bystanders assaulted and hurt Shahrukh. The murder took place in front of a street lined with book stores. After a short while, a few bystanders plucked up a stick and struck Shahrukh’s hand with it to make him drop the knife. A man is seen in the video punching and kicking Shahrukh to get him to release Yusuf.
Yusuf was pronounced deceased at the hospital where he and Shahrukh were both taken. Shahrukh is receiving treatment after being detained by the police.
Shahid, Yusuf’s father, said to the police that Shahrukh had been threatening his son for the previous three to four days regarding a financial issue. Yusuf had borrowed the money roughly 1.5 months ago, the police had learned. During Muharram, he and Shahrukh got into a dispute over it.
Chandan Chowdhary, deputy commissioner of police, south, said: “The father of the victim has said that his son Yusuf had borrowed Rs 3,000 from Shahrukh, who was asking for the money to be returned. The victim was unable to pay the money and was killed by Shahrukh. The police have recorded Shahid’s statement. The accused was also admitted to hospital after being beaten by the public who were trying to protect the victim.”
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Yusuf’s father Shahid said, “My son had gone to drop his sister to school and was coming back when some men waylaid and attacked him. He was stabbed multiple times after which he tried to escape and reached near the shops so that he could be saved. However, no one came forward initially. By the time locals hit Shahrukh with a stick, my son had already collapsed. I was told by some residents that my son was lying on the road. As my knee had just been operated on, I couldn’t run to the place and had to ask someone to take me on a two-wheeler.”
The policeman also mentioned Shahrukh’s school dropout status. He had finished eighth grade. “He is in the custody of the police and has been arrested, but for now he is undergoing treatment. A case of murder has been registered at Tigri police station,” DCP Chowdhary said.
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