In a late-night decision on Wednesday, the West Bengal Health Department announced the transfer of three senior officials from the state-run R.G. Kar Medical College & Hospital in Kolkata. The move includes the recently appointed Principal Suhrita Pal, newly appointed Medical Superintendent and Vice Principal Bulbul Mukhopadhyay, and Dr. Arunava Duta Chowdhury, head of the Chest Medicine Department.
State Health Secretary Narayan Swarup Nigam stated that the transfers were made in response to demands from protesting junior doctors and medical students at R.G. Kar Medical College & Hospital. The decision aims to restore normal medical services and address concerns within the healthcare sector.
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In addition to the transfers, Nigam revealed that the state government has rescinded its earlier notification appointing former R.G. Kar Principal Sandip Ghosh as the Principal of Calcutta National Medical College & Hospital (CNMCH).
Earlier in the day, medical professionals staged a protest rally at Swastha Bhavan, the Health Department headquarters. During the demonstration, a delegation of protesting doctors submitted a memorandum outlining their demands, which included the withdrawal of Ghosh’s CNMCH appointment and the removal of Pal from her position at R.G. Kar Medical College.
Following their meeting with Health Department officials, the delegation expressed dissatisfaction, noting that they did not receive a firm commitment regarding their demands. The doctors vow to continue their agitation until their concerns fully addressed.
The state government’s decision to transfer the officials appears to be a response to the mounting pressure from the medical community, aiming to mitigate ongoing unrest and resume normal operations at the medical college.
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