Amidst the ongoing clashes due to the Ram Navami violence, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has alleged that a rally was attacked outside a mosque at Rishra in West Bengal’s Hooghly district. The party has claimed that its local legislator was injured during the same. Following the incidents, orders were imposed to suspend internet within the state.
Taking notes from the site of the clash, BJP national vice-president Dilip Ghosh, who took part in the rally has shared a video on social media saying stones were pelted from a mosque. This violence took place days after the criminal investigation department (CID) of the West Bengal Police started a probe into incidents of violence and clashes surrounding the Ram Navami row in the Howrah district.
Late Sunday evening, BJP state president Sukanta Majumdar wrote to Union home minister Amit Shah seeking the latter’s intervention. “In view of the deteriorating law and order situation, we immediately seek your kind intervention as per law so that the situation does not go out of control and the life and property of ordinary citizens are saved,” he wrote in a letter.
Speaking to the media, Mr Ghosh said that the BJP MLA from the Purshura constituency in Hooghly was injured in the stone pelting and then was rushed to the hospital.
Sharing a video on social media, Dilip Ghosh has briefed the local media in Hooghly about the alleged violence that happened. In this video, Biman Ghosh could be seen standing beside Dilip Ghosh and talking to someone over the phone. The party posted another video in which Biman Ghosh, dressed in the same attire, could be seen lying on a stretcher.
The party’s national vice-president also alleged that his life was in danger and the party workers shielded him from the stones. “We know that this violence is a fallout of chief minister Mamata Banerjee’s politics of appeasement. Why should common people become victims of her politics?” he said.
Also Read: Communal Violence In State, Amit Shah Expresses Concern Says, Additional Forces To Be Sent
Moreover, talking about the current situation in the area, a Hoogly district police officer said that the incident did take place but the situation was quickly brought under control and five people were detained.
“The police were on the alert after the Howrah incidents. A huge contingent was escorting the Ram Navami rally at Rishra,” he said.
According to government officials, the state home department suspended internet services in the Rishra and Mahesh areas of Hooghly from 11 pm on Sunday to 11 pm on Monday. Movement of traffic on certain roads was also restricted till Monday.
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