In a tragic incident in Lucknow, 10-year-old Namish, the son of Additional Superintendent of Police Shweta Shrivastava, lost his life as he was crushed by a speeding SUV while practicing skating near a park in the upscale Gomti Nagar Extension area around 5:30 am on Tuesday. The heart-wrenching event unfolded with the vehicle fleeing the scene, prompting a swift response from law enforcement. Five dedicated teams were mobilized to investigate the case.
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Deputy Commissioner of Police Ashish Srivastava shared that a breakthrough occurred when CCTV footage near Janeshwar Mishra park was scrutinized. The identified white SUV was traced, leading to the apprehension of two individuals, Sarthak Singh and Devshri Verma, in connection with the incident.
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Shweta Shrivastava, who was previously stationed at the Gomti Nagar police station, had been transferred to a special investigation team in her role as an additional superintendent of police. This tragic event has deeply affected the community, and authorities are committed to ensuring justice for the grieving family. The incident underscores the importance of swift and thorough investigative efforts in the face of such heartbreaking occurrences.
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