Maneka Gandhi, BJP MP and mother of Varun Gandhi, has broken her silence following Varun’s denial of a ticket from his constituency. She expressed her happiness at being a part of the BJP during her 10-day visit to Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh. When asked about Varun’s future plans, she responded, “Ask him what he wants to do. We will consider this after the elections. There is time.”
Expressing gratitude towards party leaders including Amit Shah, PM Modi, and Nadda Ji for granting her the ticket, she remarked on the last-minute announcement, which led to a dilemma between contesting from Pilibhit or Sultanpur. Ultimately, she’s grateful for the decision to contest from Sultanpur.
This visit marked Maneka’s first to Sultanpur after securing the ticket. During her stay, she planned to visit 101 villages within the entire Lok Sabha constituency. Warmly welcomed by party leaders and workers at various locations including Katka Guptarganj, Tatianagar, Tedhui, Golaghat, Shahganj Square, Dariyapur Tiraha, and Payagipur Square, Maneka also paid respects to statues of Shyama Prasad Mukherjee and Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay.
Notable attendees at these gatherings included BJP District President Dr. RA Verma, BJP State Minister Meena Choubey, Lok Sabha in-charge Durgesh Tripathi, Lok Sabha convenor Jagjit Singh Changu, MLA Raj Prasad Upadhyay, MLA Rajesh Gautam, and spokesperson Vijay Raghuvanshi.
Prior to this, Varun Gandhi conveyed his sentiments to the constituents of Pilibhit through a heartfelt letter, assuring them that his ties with the region would endure till his last breath.
In summary, Maneka Gandhi’s visit to Sultanpur marked an important juncture in the political landscape, with her expressing contentment with her party affiliation and preparing for an extensive engagement with the electorate of the constituency.
Also Read: Congress Set to Unveil Election Manifesto for Lok Sabha Polls on Specified Date
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