In a horrifying and tragic incident that unfolded on Tuesday in the Bhojpur village near Delhi, a 52-year-old man named Dharamveer stands accused of using a sword to behead his wife, Sundari, 50. The gruesome act was reportedly triggered by a dispute over the delay in Sundari bringing him his morning tea.
According to police accounts, Dharamveer was incensed when Sundari informed him that the tea would take some time, sparking a heated argument between the couple. Notably, their four children were reportedly asleep in another room during the disturbing incident.
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As the confrontation escalated, Sundari’s screams drew the attention of villagers who rushed to the scene. To their horror, they discovered Sundari’s lifeless body lying in a pool of blood. Local authorities were promptly informed, and the police took Dharamveer into custody. The victim’s body has been sent for post-mortem examination.
Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Gyan Prakash Rai provided insights into the tragic events, stating, “Dharamveer and Sundari had a fight over making tea. He then took out a sharp weapon and attacked her on the neck from behind, which led to her immediate death.”
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In response to this gruesome crime, a case has been registered, and Dharamveer is now in custody, awaiting legal proceedings. The community is left in shock and mourning as they grapple with the devastating consequences of this domestic dispute turned violent.
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