The stage is set for the grand Mahakumbh 2025, which will take place in Prayagraj this January, as the ceremonial entry of the 13 Akharas began spectacularly. The prestigious Shri Panchdashnam Juna Akhara, led by Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Swami Avdheshanand Giri, made a majestic procession into the Kumbh Nagar on Saturday, marking the commencement of one of the world’s largest and most revered spiritual gatherings.
The procession, which started from Shri Mauj Giri Ashram, was a breathtaking spectacle featuring 65 Mahamandaleshwars, over 8,000 sadhus, and saints, who arrived in more than 100 royal chariots. The entry procession culminated in great splendor as the Akhara set up its camp in Sector 20 of the Kumbh Nagar.
Swami Avdheshanand Giri, highlighting the global significance of the Mahakumbh, shared, “Millions around the world are watching this eternal festival of our heritage unfold.” His statement underscored the event’s importance as a reflection of Sanatan culture and the spiritual unity of the nation.
He also noted that the camp entry marks the beginning of the rituals to be performed before the deities installed at the Juna Akhara camp.
The Kinnar Akhara, led by Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Lakshmi Narayan Tripathi, also made its ceremonial entry on the same day. The procession, marked by fervor and devotion, included hundreds of members of the Kinnar Akhara, showcasing the diversity and inclusivity of the Mahakumbh.
Special arrangements were made by the Yogi Adityanath-led government to ensure the smooth and safe entry of the Akharas into their designated camps. For the first time, overhead power lines were removed along the procession route, and underground cables were installed, making the entry path safer and more accessible for the saints and devotees.
Pramod Kumar Singh, Chief Engineer of the Purvanchal Electricity Distribution Corporation, revealed that an estimated Rs 12 crore had been spent on upgrading the infrastructure, including the conversion of road-crossing power lines to underground cables along major entry routes.
In addition to the infrastructure upgrades, roads along the entry routes have been widened, eliminating traffic congestion and making the route more comfortable for the participants. The transformation of the area has been praised by several foreign saints and sages.
Avadhoot Saint Anjana Giri of the Juna Akhara, who has attended every Kumbh and Mahakumbh for the past 30 years, commented, “I have never witnessed such cleanliness and magnificence.”
The entry of the Akharas into Mahakumbh Nagar signals the start of an extraordinary spiritual journey that will culminate in the grand bathing ritual at the Triveni Sangam. As the Kumbh Mela draws nearer, the excitement and anticipation for this once-in-a-lifetime experience continues to grow, with devotees and saints from across the world preparing to partake in the timeless spiritual traditions of the Mahakumbh.
Also Read: PM Modi Highlights Unity And Cultural Significance Of Maha Kumbh As He Inaugurates Key Projects
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