A grand book release and kavi-sammelan were held in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, on Sunday. The event featured the release of the book Hai Dil Ki Baat and the Ghazal collection Dil Ki Baat by popular poet Mrityunjay Sadhak. The ceremony was attended by notable figures from the literary world, including Bharat Express CMD Upendra Rai, former Uttar Pradesh Education Minister Baleshwar Tyagi, Sahitya Bhushan Dr. BL Gaur, and renowned poetess Dr. Madhu Chaturvedi.
During the Divya Kavi-Sammelan, Upendra Rai was warmly welcomed with a garland, angavastram, and a memento. As the chief guest, he shared his deep admiration for the role of poets in society. “If poets did not exist, the world would be devoid of emotions,” he remarked, emphasizing the significant influence of poetry on the emotional fabric of society.
Rai explained that poets have the ability to rule over the world of emotions, entering the hearts and minds of others. “In this violent era, poets teach us that it is better to lose in love than to win,” he added. Highlighting the humility of great poets, he noted that they are not concerned with winning or losing but with spreading joy and making others smile.
Upendra Rai also praised the poetic approach to life, contrasting it with the often harsh realities of the world. “Poets respond to criticism not with anger but with love and kindness,” he said. “They believe that life is short and that we should prioritize friendship over enmity.”
He reflect on the poet’s unique perspective on life, saying, “Our real face is the one we had before birth; the one we wear during our life is a fake creation of the world. Poets live between the real and the fake and show others the way.”
Upendra Rai further expressed his admiration for Mrityunjay Sadhak’s poetry. “All of Mrityunjay Sadhak’s poems are deeply touching,” he said. He quoted lines from Sadhak’s work: “Har Hriday Mein Ek Sa Shakti Peer Hoon, Jod De Jo Sabko Wahi Janjeer Hoon,” appreciating the poet’s ability to capture profound emotions and experiences in his verses. Rai also shared his personal connection with the lines, acknowledging that true knowledge stems from personal experience rather than borrowed wisdom.
Sahitya Bhushan Dr. B.L. Gaur also addressed the gathering, offering heartfelt wisdom. “To achieve anything in life, one must seek the blessings of their parents,” he said. “Whatever I am today is because of the blessings of my parents. Their support took me from nothing to where I am now.”
Dr. Gaur also expressed his admiration for Mrityunjay Sadhak’s work, praising the depth and emotional resonance of the poet’s compositions.
The Divya Kavi-Sammelan and book release ceremony were not only a celebration of poetry but also an opportunity to reflect on the power of words to shape emotions and connect people. The event, with its mix of literary insights and heartfelt exchanges, left a lasting impression on all those present, fostering a deeper appreciation for the art of poetry and the wisdom it imparts.
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