The Uttar Pradesh government has launched extensive cyber security measures to protect devotees attending Mahakumbh 2025 in Prayagraj. A team of 56 cyber warriors will safeguard the digital and online experiences of the 45 crore devotees expected from across India and abroad.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has instructed the Mahakumbhnagar SSP to oversee and monitor all cyber security arrangements. Under this initiative, a special cyber police station has been established to address threats like fake websites, phishing links, and social media frauds targeting devotees.
Dedicated cyber help desks will be set up in all 56 police stations across Mahakumbhnagar. Experts will be stationed at these help desks to assist devotees and monitor online platforms for suspicious activities. Cyber patrolling teams have been deployed to detect and prevent cybercrimes.
The administration has also launched an awareness campaign to educate the public about cyber threats. Films will be screened on Variable Messaging Displays (VMD) across the fair area to inform attendees about digital safety. Social media platforms like AI, X, Facebook, and Google are being used to spread messages about staying vigilant against online scams.
The cyber police have already identified 50 suspicious websites that may pose a risk to attendees. Immediate action is being taken against these websites. A mobile cyber team has been deployed to raise awareness and handle complaints of online threats.
The government has activated the helpline number 1920 to assist devotees in reporting cybercrimes. Attendees are also advised to use government websites with the “” domain for accurate and safe information. Fake websites can be reported to local police stations, where cyber experts will act promptly.
The Yogi government’s vision for Mahakumbh includes a divine, grand, and digitally secure experience. Through these high-tech initiatives, it aims to eliminate online risks and ensure the safety of millions of devotees from around the world.
Also Read: Yogi Govt Accelerates Grand Preparations For Maha Kumbh 2025
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