Jawan, starring Shah Rukh Khan and Nayanthara, is playing to packed theatres across the nation, and in Bengaluru, an employee was observed working from a cinema showing the current Bollywood smash. While the movie was taking place, someone brought out a laptop and began working, and the internet was eager to record the moment.
A user Neelangana Noopur took to X and wrote, “When #Jawan first day is important, but life is #peakbengaluru. Observed at a #Bangalore INOX. No emails or Teams sessions were harmed in taking this pic.”
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On social media site X, there has been a debate about it. Some people sympathize with the person’s need to balance work and life, but others believe that it is unprofessional behavior to engage in in public.
A user wrote, “Did you complain? Imagine driving through traffic, spending half a thousand for a few hours of entertainment…and getting someone in front of you who decides to do this. I do like the hybrid model of work, but this is peak precarious hybridity.”
Another user wrote, “WFH prevails all over India, not just Bangalore! Also it’s totally mannerless and there is a lack of discipline to disturb other movie watchers watching movies peacefully! I would have called bouncers and escorted you out.”
In Bengaluru, it is not unusual to see people working from unexpected locations. In the past, videos of people working while driving and from autorickshaws went viral, drawing attention to the hectic lifestyle in the IT hub.
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