Bollywood’s most loved couple, Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif, are celebrating their second wedding anniversary today, and wishes have been pouring in for them on social media. Fans had been eagerly waiting for Vicky and Katrina’s posts for each other on this special occasion. Much to their delight, the Sam Bahadur actor has shared a lovely post to wish his wife and shower love on her on their wedding anniversary.
Vicky Kaushal posted an unreleased video of Katrina Kaif on his Instagram account on Saturday afternoon. In the video, Katrina can be seen foolishly showing off her action moves while watching a movie on the screen in front of her, while Vicky is seen sitting next to her on a flight. Vicky seemed to be enjoying his wife’s humorous antics!
He wished her and said, “In-flight and in-life entertainment! Sharing this adorable video, I adore you, lovely… Continue as before.” Vicky’s post for Katrina is adorable beyond words! Look it over below.
Also read: Days after the Archies premiere, Amitabh Bachchan unfollows Aishwarya Rai on Instagram
Vicky’s message for Katrina Kaif undoubtedly made admirers swoon over the cute duo. One fan added, “This is Katrina’s Tiger movie prep,” while another said, “How cute is this?” A third commenter exclaimed, “Haha! She brings the drama!” and a third said, “THE MUCH-AWAITED POST IS HERE.”
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