The social drama “Bheed,” starring Bhumi Pednekar and Rajkummar Rao in the lead roles, was released yesterday. However, before the movie even opened in theatres, it caused controversy. The trailer hinted at a realistic depiction of the nationwide lockdown that was announced in March 2020. It was set during the events of COVID-19. Within a week, the first trailer was taken down due to intense criticism and backlash. A second trailer with alterations was released a few days later on official channels.
According to reports, the Bheed film, directed by Anubhav Sinha, underwent 13 revisions from the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC). On social media, the details of the edits are currently available.
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Also Read: Day 1 Collection Of “Bheed”: Rajkumar-Bhumi’s Film Fails On Its First Day, Collects Only 15 Lakh
Actress tweeted, “Nothing stings like facts.. In India we have a new affliction : Allergy to facts. #bheed #censorship.”
Despite the fact that these scenes were removed, the movie only made 15 lakh on its first day. It will be crucial to determine whether the movie will earn more this weekend..
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