Which Is

The 8th Continent  Discovered By Scientists

By- Srishti Verma

Geoscientists have located continent that has been  concealed for nearly 375 years

Accurate map of Zealandia, also known as Te Riu-a-Maui, has been produced by the tiny team of geologists and seismologists

Using information from dredging rock samples recovered from the ocean below, the researchers discovered it

The journal Tectonics  has published the specifics of the study

At 1.89 million square miles  (4.9 million square kilometers), Zealandia is a sizable continent that is around six times larger than Madagascar

There are actually 8 continents, according to the scientific team, and the newest one is the smallest, thinnest, and youngest on record

Similar to New Zealand, the new continent is 94% underwater and has only a few small islands

Zealandia was formerly a part of Gondwana, a supercontinent that once covered the entirety of the southern hemisphere and was formed around  550 million years ago