Will AI be the cause of human extinction? Know what experts have to say

By- Srushti sharma

The emergence of AI may bring about something that none of us can wish for: the extinction of humanity, or at the very least, our position as the dominant species on Earth.

Many prominent scientists have warned that one of the biggest risks of AI is that it would eventually surpass humans as the most intelligent species on Earth.

This might result in a loss of control that is extremely harmful to humanity and might even drive it to extinction.

There are two major ways that AI could go wrong:

Technology advances to the point where it can become immune to human intervention and execute actions that render the earth uninhabitable.

Technology may be used by humans to develop weapons or other offensive capabilities that they are unable to control, which would destroy both friends and enemies.

The main source of these worries is the lack of knowledge on the leading processes that the majority of AI models use, at least currently.

Concerns about an all-powerful super-brain are greatly exaggerated, and even the promises made about how modern AI will affect business and life in general are still more fiction than fact.

 AI is still merely a technology, and the tech sector has a track record of making exaggerated claims and falling short of them.