Top 5 Nutrient-Rich Soaked Foods To Add To Your Diet

BY: Purnima Mishra 

Soaked almonds are a great way to enhance the body's nutritional intake. They bolster immunity, and their nurtitional value is more ehnaced after soaking. 


Soaked chickpeas offer numerous health benefits. consuming them in the morning after an overnight soak provided a surge of energy. 


Raisins soaked overnight and eating them in the morning helps in stregthening the immune system. They aid in relieving constipation and promoting a healthy digestive system.


Brown raisins are a rich source of magnesium, potassium, and iron. Consuming soaked brown raisins improves skin health, helps prevent anaemia, and may contribute to managing kidney stones. 

Brown Raisins

Consuming soaked or sprouted moong beans can alleviate various digestive problems, particularly consitpation. Sprouted moong is highly beneficial for weight loss. 
