These 10 Animals have the shortest Lifespan on Earth

By- Naiteek Bhatt


The Small fruit flies that are attracted to rotting fruit and are found in kitchens last about 14 days.

Fruit Fly

A drone ant has wings and a large body similar to a wasp. the lifecycle of this ant ends in Just 1-2 days.

Drone Ants 

Houseflies live wherever humans do. Their lifespan is very short Just one to two months.


Dragonflies are colorful insects found around ponds and lakes. The lifespan of a dragonfly lasts from 7-56 days.


A worker bee's lifespan varies according to the season. A worker bee active in the summer has a lifespan of 6 weeks, while one active in winter can last 6-8 months.

Worker Bee

Labord's Chameleon is hard to overlook. Males have bright green skin and females are green with a pattern of blue, orange, and purple spots. It has a life cycle of just one year.

Labord's Chameleon

At three or four inches long, the common mouse is on the list of animals with the shortest lifespan because it only lives up to three years.

Common Mouse

Mosquitofish are found in areas of the Mississippi River and in the Gulf of Mexico. The lifespan of these small fish only goes up to 2 to 3 years.


Found in North and Central America, the Ruby-throated Hummingbird lives for about 3-5 years.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird