Since 45 Years Returning Astronauts To Moon Is NASA's Biggest Challenge, Know Why

By- Shivanshi Srivastava

Last time a person visited the moon was in December 1972, during NASA's Apollo 17 mission.

It has been more than 45 years no human has landed on moon.

NASA planned to send people back to the moon but has yet to succeed over decades.

The biggest reasons why humans haven't returned to the lunar surface are budgetary and political hurdles, not scientific or technical challenges.

Blue Origin or SpaceX may be the first entities to return people to the moon.

Human Moon landings require more resources like water, oxygen, food, and other amenities to remain alive.

Several nations including private companies are working on robotic Moon initiatives to support future human missions.

During human landings astronauts collected rocks, took photos, performed experiments before returning.

The Artemis program plans to send the first woman to the moon by late 2024 or early 2025.