Mystery Of Air France Flight 447: All You Need To Know

BY: Purnima Mishra 

The flight was a scheduled international passenger airspeed from Brazil to Paris.

About Air France Flight 447

The plane crashed due to the lack of speed, wind or direction information, as per the BEA report. 

Why Flight 447 Crashed?

Before the crash, Flight 447 sent out 24 automated error messages that suggested the plane may have been flying too fast or too slow. 

Automated Messages

Flight 447 was passing through an area prone to volatile and dangerous weather known as ITCZ, when it went down.

About The Weather 

All 228 passengers and crew on board died in the crash due to extreme trauma. 

Casualities On Flight 447

It took four searches over the course of nearly two years to locate the plane’s flight recorder in a mountain range deep under the ocean.

Flight 447 Mystery Solved