Know How The Israel-Hamas War Started: History

By- Srushti Sharma

Israel designated the Gaza Strip under Hamas as a hostile entity after Hamas took over the Gaza Strip in 2007.

Israel approved a number of sanctions, including border closures, import restrictions, and power outages

The implementation of a six-month ceasefire between Israel and Hamas was agreed upon in June 2008 after lengthy discussions

Nevertheless, the ceasefire was soon jeopardised as each side accused the other of violating the deal, which worsened in the latter months of the truce.

The truce was said to have been broken on December 19 amid claims from both sides. Soon after, wider hostilities broke out as Israel launched a series of airstrikes across the region in response to sustained rocket fire from Gaza.

On November 14, 2012, Israel launched a series of airstrikes in Gaza in response to an increase in rockets fired from Gaza into Israeli territory over the previous nine months.

Following the kidnapping of three Israeli teens in the West Bank on June 12, 2014, tensions between Israel and Hamas increased in 2014. The boys' bodies were discovered on June 30 in the West Bank, outside of Hebron.

Israel violently reacted to several border rallies in Gaza in 2018 as protesters attempted to cross into Israel and launched explosive kites and balloons at Israeli territory.

Jerusalem's tensions reached a breaking point in May 2021, sparking the worst uptick in violence since 2014. After hundreds were hurt during skirmishes between Israeli police and Palestinian protesters

Hamas fired rockets into Jerusalem and southern and central Israel, forcing Israel to conduct airstrikes in retaliation. Israel was caught off guard when Hamas launched a concerted land, sea, and air invasion in October 2023.

In a matter of hours, hundreds of Israelis were reported dead or missing, making it the bloodiest day for Israel in years. Additionally, more than 100 hostages were abducted.