Global Top 5 Biggest Camps for Refugees

By- Naiteek Bhatt


Established in 1992 in northwest Kenya, Kakuma refugee camp now shelters over 201,000 refugees, predominantly from South Sudan and Somalia, originally formed to aid Sudanese children escaping the civil war.

Dadaab Refugee Complex

Dadaab complex, southeast of Kakuma, has been a refuge since 1991 for Somali refugees escaping civil war, with a surge in 2011 due to drought and famine. It hosts over 240,000 refugees.


In 2012, the Za'atari camp in Jordan emerged as the world's largest for Syrian refugees, responding to the devasting conflict that started a decade ago. Today, it is hosting more than 83,000 Syrians.


Originating from the Rohingya crisis in 2017, Kutupalong in Bangladesh became the world's largest refugee camp, providing shelter for over 931,000 Rohingya Muslims Fleeing violence's in Myanmar's Rakhine State.

Um Rakuba 

Responding to the Tigray region crisis in Ethiopia, Um Rakhba camp in Sudan shelters over 16,870 refugees and asylum seekers who fled violence's that erupted in November 2020.