Earth's Origin Story: Did a Past Planet Collision Kickstart Life on Earth?

By- Srushti sharma

On Wednesday, scientists put out a unique theory that might simultaneously provide answers to two of the world's puzzles.

One that resides well beneath our feet and one that flies over our heads each night.

For millennia, the first enigma that has baffled everyone from experts to curious kids has been where the moon came from.

The most popular idea states that 4.5 billion years ago, a planet the size of Mars collided with the Earth, which was still forming, creating the moon.

Massive amounts of debris were launched into orbit by this spectacular collision between the early Earth and the proto-planet Theia, forming the moon.

That is the theory, anyway. Scientists have searched for signs of Theia's existence for decades, but to no avail.

Since seismic waves first discovered two gigantic "blobs" approximately 2,900 kilometres (1,800 miles) below Earth's surface in the 1980s

These continent-sized material clusters, one beneath Africa and the other beneath the Pacific Ocean, straddle the rocky mantle near the molten core of Earth.

The blobs' density and temperature have been found to be significantly higher than that of the surrounding rock, but many other details concerning them are yet unknown.

the blobs are "buried relics" of Theia that invaded Earth during their early collision and have been hidden ever since close to the planet's centre.

The researchers hypothesised that in addition to generating the moon, this collision and the debris it left behind may have contributed to Earth's current status as a unique planet that supports life.