Deepfake-Fueled Surge in the Porn Market: Fake Videos Easily Crafted for a Few Rupees

By- Priyanka Rai

Due to deepfake technology, many content creators and scammers are creating fake videos. Did you know that there are approximately 100,000 deepfake porn videos on the internet today?

Not only that, but hundreds of deepfake porn video clips are being uploaded daily on the internet

Now the question arises, why is the market for deepfake porn flourishing?

In fact, research has found how the use of AI technology has contributed to the rise of deepfake pornography

Synthetic porn has been around for several years, but with the help of AI and technology, it has become much easier, leading to increased profits

According to the Home Security Heroes report, the State of Deepfake report in 2023 reveals a 550% increase compared to 2019

According to the U.S.-based online traffic analytics service Semrush, between July and August, the top 10 websites exclusively hosted deepfake porn

Due to fake videos created by deepfake, people in the real world can suffer significant harm. Many individuals are using this for blackmail

A report claims that a deepfake video can be created for just 40 rupees