Are we about to  see a rare green  comet light  up the sky

BY - srushti sharma

The large comets that  occasionally grace our  skies are among the most magnificent objects in the solar system

This month, Nishimura's  orbit would bring it  closer to the sun  than Mercury

The comet may become  bright enough to be seen with the naked eye given  its brightness at the  time of discovery

Nishimura's journey will  keep it near to the sun in  the sky as seen from Earth

However, astronomers  around the world are  enthusiastic. Even a difficult -to-see comet can be  observed with the  naked eye

Comets are like cats:  they have tails and do  exactly what they want,  according to astronomer  David H. Levy

there's a chance that  something spectacular   will happen in the  upcoming weeks

there's a chance that  something spectacular   will happen in the  upcoming weeks

The week of September 20  to 27 offers the best opportunity  to see it because the comet's head will set about an hour  after the sun at that time